Saturday, May 30, 2009

Last Event at Old Gym - May 30, 2009

An earlier version of this post did not fully explain the chaos that reigned for a good bit of time that disrupted the planned program - this revised post tries to explain in more detail what went on and the disappointment of many in attendance.

Pretty good turnout - 11 from 1968, but disappointing in that the planned program with featured speakers did not run smoothly at all. A pretty good Saturday, but really not what it could have been.

Father Terzich said a prayer, and at around 90 looked better than half the guys in the room. My son did not believe that I knew all the words to the school song and actually did better than mumble them.

Unfortunately the sound system was very poor, and there was chaos in the scheduled agenda. The wrestling and football teams did not get to give presentations that were scheduled at the right times and certainly not commensurate with the time and trouble they had given to preparing, and then for many traveling a good distance to be there to do it. For most attendees the greater part of the main reason they showed up was lost to the chaos. It had seemed to most that the planned program was over, and the only thing left to happen was an alumni basketball game. A good many started to walk through the buildings and congregate outside talking about what we thought of the old days.

When a time for the scheduled speakers did unexpectedly come, Bill W and some others who were to be main speakers were right outside the gym looking at the buildings and talking with fellow alumni. When the organizers finally got some control of the situation, they did not have enough sense to look for or call out for all those who were scheduled to speak. To say the least, those planned speakers are not too happy about the way things turned out and many of us are just as disappointed. But we did get a good number of people together, had many laughs and do hope to see many old friends in the future.

The buildings are much, much better than they were long ago. The signs for Gately's are still prominent and the AVE is still an adventure.

The one guy in the pictures WITHOUT gray hair is Jerry B's son. Another real surprise was Kevin O'Connor who surfaced out of nowhere. Al Hartman was there with his Dad but missed the pictures.

My son and Jerry's son were given a tour of the men's bathroom in the gym and shown the famous window that saved a couple many of us a couple bucks on Social nights.

Better composite pictures forthcoming. Pictures might look all the same but each is different.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Second Rice Relay Trophy Surfaces

The second trophy from the 1968 Rice Relays has surfaced. The Class of 1968 was the only team to win two events in that meet. The news article listed Bruce Hattemer as one of only two double winners. Contrary to the press report, Jerry Buttimer and Jim Laski were on both winning Mendel teams with Bruce.

At the Mendel closing event your blogmaster won one of the trophies. Bruce Hattemer won the second but it was still on the table when the afternoon wrapped up so Jerry B took it and put it in his trunk for him and forgot about it. It remained in the trunk for a long time until it broke. Jerry had one runner replaced and tracked down Bruce, but Bruce and Jerry never got together. Jerry still had the trophy and is looking to pass it along.

The Distance Medley Team was John Farris, Jim Laski, Jerry Buttimer and Bruce Hattemer.
The Two Mile Relay Team was Bruce Hattemer, Jerry Buttimer, Dan McCann and Jim Laski.

Both Jerry and Jim deserved equal billing. I will see if the Chicago Tribune wants to do a 41 year old correction.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mendel Alumni Golf Outing Friday July 10, 2009

We had a great turnout last year, see the details at the Mendel Alumni Web site:

MendelClassof1968 Blog Open to the Web

Until today the blog was private, you had to be invited to view it. It is now open for viewing by the entire web. Comments are not allowed except for members of the blog. Comments are moderated - unless I approve it it does not get on the blog. If you want to be a member you know my email address.

Mendel Event - Saturday May 30, 2009

The Gym and Monastery/Chapel are going to the wrecking ball this summer !

An event is planned to "celebrate" the great feats that took place in those locations. All the info is on the Mendel Alumni Web Site: Just click to go there>