Sunday, December 24, 2017


Well this year we actually have a picture but even better we have a story, only with our guys !

Well, it was a typical lunch; a great time,  great stories and of course, Bird Calls !

Communication and logistics are always a laugh.

At about 1:10, our organizer sent an email to several folks who had not yet made it to our table in the back room at Tufanos. Of the 5 emails, 3 replies came that the could not make it. There were two others that we knew were coming for sure and we all wondered where the heck they were. The restaurant was really not crowded and we told the waitress that we were waiting for a couple more and to please direct any folks who were looking for us to our table. No one at the table had the energy or sense to get up and walk to the bar area and look around.

Well around 1:30, one of our two missing Monarchs showed more energy than the rest of us and came walking into our room to our great joy. It seems the hostess did not quite understand the words "Mendel Guys" when Mike asked. So Mike D and John U had a great 40 minutes or so in the bar area and we had to retell half of the stories we had already shared.

As to matters of business, Ron G as the first person who asked about plans for a 50 year reunion was duly nominated and selected to lead this effort. John U who also asked about this effort and who showed some initiative in trying to find us in the restaurant was delegated to assist Ron. Much more later.

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