Saturday, May 24, 2008

Mendel Golf Fri July 11th - Part 2

Everyone who has an email address in the database with get this emailed to them and for those who have communciated in one way or another but lack email, it will be mailed or you will get a phone call.

If you are intersted in golf / and or dinner; email something that looks like the form in Part 1 to the address and copy me. You will have my email address.

If guys are coming from out of town or if you want to spend more time together we have talked about getting together on Saturday July 12 for some sort of picnic like event - perhaps with families. We will see who is interested and what kind of effort we want to make or not make.

MENDEL GOLF - FRI JULY 11th - Part 1


Announces its 10TH Annual 4 man Scramble Golf Outing

Date: Friday July 11th 2008

Shotgun Start at 1pm, Check in by 12:00 pm.

Location: TUCKAWAY Golf Course,
27641 Stony Island, Crete Il 60417 Phone 708-946-2259

Take 394 south 14 miles from interstate 80 to Goodenow Rd (Stop Sign). then go left (east)3 miles to “T” in road, go right (south) a couple of blocks, Tuckaway is on your left.

The cost ($85.00) includes Green fees, Cart, Hot Dog snack at the turn,a Cocktail hour(Beer/wine) after you finish, and Dinner.

Don’t Golf---Dinner/Cocktails at Approx 5:30 only $25.00.

Don’t have a foursome??? Don’t worry, we will try to fill in foursomes.This outing is for Mendel Alumni & sons or fathers only.

Fill out Registration below and send form via EMAIL(to get a count) by June 15th to, then

Send checks & paper registration form at the LATEST by June 29th To:

Mendel Alumni Assoc. C/O Jack Vlazny
9203 Wheeler Drive
Orland Park Illinois 60462

Questions?Days 708-675-1200 Nights 708-403-0358 Email:

Class Of 1968






Check enclosed for _____ golfers x $85.00 = Total__$_____________

Want to have a hole Sponsored by and named after your foursome? Send an even $400.

Names of other golfers and "Class of" beside me:




If you want to sponsor a Hole please add $100.00 donation (& verbiage for sign).
Prizes for golfers will be warmly welcomed!
Can’t make it, please accept my donation of $______________

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Great Wall Update

Update on the Great Wall.
Please send along other pictures - the grafitti is more international than local with a sighting in Italy and now China.


Great Team.

If anyone has a better picture please pass along.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Around the World with Class of 68

Who are the these guys?

BB - Great Wall of China

AL in business in Homewood

MB at ease in Mexico

Monday, May 19, 2008

Readers - Invited, Future Posts and Sending Pictures

As of this morning, 12 people have registered as readers of the 47 invited and some of the balance have accessed the blog as guests. Expect to see an email asking you to register as a reader if you haven't. If you don't want to OK, but I need to hear if you are looking at the blog or reading email to know how to effectively communicate. I can send an email announcing blog updates of interest, like details of the golf outing or other events. I am pretty sure you can also create a setting to be notified by email when anything new is posted. I have about 80 or so "good" email addresses but there is a big number who have not replied at all to any emails sent and I just don't know if we are communciating.

I plan to do at least 2 posts a week and that makes me about 4 behind. Many posts will be random pictures sent in by readers, hopefully with a little explanation.

For those who are into digital photography or scanners, we don't need high resolution pictures, work with a good picture and save it at 72dpi and then send it to me. If you want me to work it over you can send it anyway but some files are huge 7-10 MB and I end up not saving the larger file but the finished product. So keep a copy because I will generally not be able to send back the same thing.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Status of Finding All of the Class of 68

Added to Deceased: Chris Carlson, Andy Ciotti, Vince Quinn, Bob Welsford.

I bought some time on the Tribune archives to search obituaries. From that, I confirmed Andy Ciotti passing in 1970 due to an industrial accident and Bob Welsford in 1982 whose funeral was at Queen of Apostles in Riverdale. Vince Quinn passed in 2000 according to his wife, and at the time of his passing, our Vinnie was President of the Mount Carmel Men's Club.

More were added to missing as some mail came back from what were thought to be good addresses and really were not. Did find one: Ron Kubiak out in New Mexico. Any clues will be researched.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

1968 Track and Cross Country - Cindermen and Harriers

The Class of 1968 Cross Country team was rather remarkable - we did very well / near great without a coach. Bruce Hattemer was the Captain. We worked very hard with incredible self-discipline for 17 year olds to accomplish some real successes. In Cross Country, you score your first 5 finishers. We had four who were always in the top group (Bruce, Farris, Jerry Buttimer, Jim Laski) and then we stood at the finish and "prayed" for Dan McCann to leg it in and give us a chance to win a big time meet against teams that had a coach and other things. We went up to a meet in Milwaukee against "real" competition and had all the coaches of the other teams talking to themselves - "who are those guys!" - Bruce either won or came in 2nd, Jerry ahead of me, I was in 20th, and Jim was not far behind; but where was Dan? If Dan finished better than normal, we could possibly win. Well, Dan meandered to the finish in a respectable place, but not enough to totally upset the elite. However, Dan was truly doing us a favor to be on the team at all; he was really just trying to be in better shape for basketball, his true love and best sport - and justly that basketabll team won the Catholic League Lightweight Championship that Winter because Dan was in better shape !

In the picture above, Dan is missing - he is also missing in our lives, as he passed away far too young in life - this page is for him - he didn't have to do what he did for our team, but he did it for his friends.

A. Buttimer is really Jerry Buttimer - somehow Jerry picked up the monicker "Alphonse."

Well, they found us a track coach and we did pretty good. The Rice Relays was always a challenge and opportunity for us. We really showed them, and even better Mendel went out of their way to inscribe one of the trophies to recognize what we did. When we had the Mendel closing party in 1988, we did the right thing and made sure each of us "won" one of our trophies. That trophy sitting above my desk has meant a great deal to me in the last 20 years. There are too many RIPs listed above - they are gone but far from forgotten, and I see them every time I look at the trophy.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Go Mendel > Beat Carmel - New Sighting

Rome, Italy per GM

In Case You Forgot What It Looked Like

Nice picture with the reflection in the lagoon.
Who can claim the most laps around the reflection promenade ?
Credit for the picture to the Mendel Alumni websites:

Go Mendel > Beat Carmel

Your author denies being responsible for this graffiti.

It was a cold Winter day on the way to the Loop as I went into the warming house and what the heck do I see on the wall!

It took about a year for me to remember to bring a camera to document it. I kept thinking that the day before I brought the camera they would finally remove it. Well, it was still there and I get to share it with you.

I have not been on the train for about 18 months and wonder if it is still there.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

1968 Statistics - Missing- Locations-Deceased

Any help on locating missing will be appreciated.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Match the Author

Match the Dissertation/Theses/Book/Article



A) “The Impact of Punch Book Voting on Suburban Cook County Voting Behavior”

B) “Nietzsche's dialectic of suffering”

C) “The ontological connection between Nietzsche's will to power and eternal return”

D) “The effects of three policy changes upon student suspension
in a suburban junior high school”

E) “Drug action in the central nervous system “

F) “Tax-exempt/proprietary partnerships: how the deal gets done”

G) "Veterinarians' Guide to Your Dog's Symptoms"

A Few Pictures - Things to Come - Dinner Note - Mail

Educator, Lawyer, Philosopher - who is what?




DINNER NOTE: Contrary to the dinner organizer - Mark Watson was with the Class of 68, according to Pat Reilley who was at the same table. So we had 23 at dinner, and 2 paid no-shows.

MAIL: For Class of 68ers where I have had a resonable address , they recieved a few mailings in the past month. Another is going out to try to get an email address, a "what I am up to" and to make sure they really are our 68ers. Out of 349, there are at least 60 with no address at all and there are about another 60 with what are probably bad addresses that I am not bothering with now. This last mailing will be about 200 pieces of mail and started going out late last week. The vast majority contained a post-paid return envelope for the "what I am up to", correct of information, revelationof your secret email address, notification that the person we have been flooding with mail or phone calls really went to MC or just to convey that "yea, I am the right one but leave me alone." As of 5/1; I have received 6 cards and 4 good emails with the information and a couple pictures. I will come up with another list of the questionable name address combinations and ask you to take a look at it. Thanks