Monday, May 19, 2008

Readers - Invited, Future Posts and Sending Pictures

As of this morning, 12 people have registered as readers of the 47 invited and some of the balance have accessed the blog as guests. Expect to see an email asking you to register as a reader if you haven't. If you don't want to OK, but I need to hear if you are looking at the blog or reading email to know how to effectively communicate. I can send an email announcing blog updates of interest, like details of the golf outing or other events. I am pretty sure you can also create a setting to be notified by email when anything new is posted. I have about 80 or so "good" email addresses but there is a big number who have not replied at all to any emails sent and I just don't know if we are communciating.

I plan to do at least 2 posts a week and that makes me about 4 behind. Many posts will be random pictures sent in by readers, hopefully with a little explanation.

For those who are into digital photography or scanners, we don't need high resolution pictures, work with a good picture and save it at 72dpi and then send it to me. If you want me to work it over you can send it anyway but some files are huge 7-10 MB and I end up not saving the larger file but the finished product. So keep a copy because I will generally not be able to send back the same thing.

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